AUTH and other partners visited the industrial unit on May for a 2nd time to continue the optimization and configuration of the unit. Specifically, another UpStream fermentation was conducted, and DownStream trials were also performed with different configurations to conclude the “fine-tuning” of the unit by analyzing the results of the operations. In addition, training videos were recorded for the dissemination and activities.
DownStream trials and video recordings
Moreover, AUTH participated in the 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management Chania, Greece (21-24 June 2023), presenting a scientific study and disseminating downstream investigation trials’ results that were conducted previously in Task 3.3.
The title of the study was “Purification of fermentation broths produced from industrial candy waste towards separation and recovery of bio-succinic acid”. It was a great opportunity to spread the news about the NEOSUCCESS Project and its significant value.
Conference presentation regarding purification trials of NEOSUCCESS project
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