Having completed D5.2 (Freedom to Operate) Report in September 2021, BiotechPro – Danish subcontractor to the NEOSUCCESS Consortium conducting an EU Horizon 2020 project, has together with AINIA(Spanish subcontractor) completed an initial Market Analysis and issued the D5.3 (Market Analysis) report late 2021.
Although the NEOSUCCESS unit characteristics is yet to be validated on the industrial scale, interesting prospective market segments within EU have been identified where the NEOSUCCESS process can potentially play a role. This is primarily based on where prospective clients or hosts for NEOSUCCESS units are located, i.e. where suitable sugar rich waste streams, biogas production and upgrading, etc. is present. The location of potential off-takers of the main product (BioSuccinic Acid) is less critical, but is also being addressed.
Furthermore, BiotechPro is currently working on a draft Joint Exploitation Agreement (D5.4) and general considerations regarding Business Plan (D5.7).
Work is generally progressing as planned although Covid-19 restrictions have posed some challenges preventing physical workshops. Hopefully, the upcoming challenges of the project might be adressed with physicial meetings.
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