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    News and events related to Neosuccess project.

    IVEM is participating in the Webinar “Bioeconomía Circular: Agroalimentación”

    Good news! IVEM, the coordinator of NEOSUCCESS project, has been invited to present the project in the Webinar “Bioeconomía Circular: Agroalimentación”, organized by Bioval (Bio Cluster of the Valencian Region) on 28th October 2020 and counting with national experts on the area of bioproducts

    New article on NEOSUCCESS available in RETEMA

    Great news! AINIA recently published an article in the bioenergy issue of RETEMA technical journal regarding NEOSUCCESS and the activities to be developed at lab-scale in their facilities as part of the cooperation with IVEM. In this regard, the results obtained by AINIA, together with those of

    NEOSUCCESS is present on the media

    We are proud to announce that our project, even at an early stage of development, has already reached the mainstream media. The online journal Energías Renovables has recently published an article about NEOSUCCESS, thus commenting the main advantages of the technology here proposed and informing

    NEOSUCCESS project is disseminated for the first time!

    Today, Juan Carlos López (AINIA) was involved in a meeting of the Quality, Production and Sustainability working group from the Spanish Technological Platform Food for Life. NEOSUCCESS was presented in the meeting by Juan Carlos López (AINIA) to other technological centres and firms of the food

    Preliminar technical meetings aim at defining the scheme of the industrial unit

    All partners have been involved in June in bilateral and group meetings in order to define schemes for the upstreaming and downstreaming processes, according to the pre-existing know-how of DTU and AUTH. This is of key relevance within NEOSUCCESS project, since this will end up with the

    Kick off meeting of NEOSUCCESS project

    The KOM of NEOSUCCESS consortium will take place next 23rd June online. The partners will present the work plan to be implemented along the project, and guidelines for reporting and managing NEOSUCCESS project will be provided. This meeting will definitively represent a good starting point to

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