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    New year, new goals!

    By Enrique L Mozos 2 años ago
    Home  /  News  /  New year, new goals!

    Progress is ongoing regarding project’s Deliverables (D3.3 Downstream processing: strategy, technology, cost analysis, D4.3 Best operating conditions for improvement the lab scale system, D4.4 Report on the robustness of the process control).

    AUTH planned with DTU and IVEM to visit the WWTP facilities, in Paterna – Spain, towards the end of February. Furthermore, a batch run will be executed in the pilot industrial unit (Paterna – Spain), with the support and monitoring of the process by AUTH and DTU.

    In addition, the final draft version of the scientific publication is almost ready, in accordance with the project’s KPIs, and AUTH is also planning to participate in the 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (June 2023) for promoting and disseminating the project and its results.

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     Enrique L Mozos

      (47 articles)