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    ALEs finished

    By Enrique L Mozos 2 años ago
    Home  /  News  /  ALEs finished

    As mentioned in previous posts, Adaptive Laboratory Evolution was used to generate superior strains of Actinobacillus succinogenes and Basfia succiniproducens in terms of tolerance to high sugar concentration. In the past months, we isolated over 80 evolved ALE strains.

    Now, the screening of the new isolates of A. succinogenes and B. succiniproducens was just completed. The results of the screening showed considerable improvements on the growth rate of the evolved strains as compared to the wild-type when growing under high concentration of Candy Waste.

    Growth rate for wild-type and isolated clones from ALE strains of B. succiniproducens growing on 20% Candy Waste

    Growth rate for wild-type and isolated clones from ALE strains of B. succiniproducens growing on 30% Candy Waste

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     Enrique L Mozos

      (47 articles)