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    NEOSUCCESS meets up to organise the real deal!

    By Enrique L Mozos 2 años ago
    Home  /  News  /  NEOSUCCESS meets up to organise the real deal!

    Construction of the unit is finished! What does this mean? It means this is it!… It is imminent!… The real deal is about to start, the operation of the industrial unit is practically ready!

    This will require a lot of coordination and cooperation from NEOSUCCESS members, that is why the members of the project met up digitally, last week. They shared the updates on the progress of the running lab trials (microbial strain adaptation, system optimization…) and of the unit construction and also discussed the organisation of the operation (each one’s tasks, next meetings, analsyses to make, etc.).

    READY (construction finished), SET (coordination prepared)…

    Stay tuned! Soon we’ll scream GO and start running the unit!

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     Enrique L Mozos

      (47 articles)