As part of the D&C plan, the a new Press Release has been carefully prepared by NEOSUCCESS partners after this second year of project execution. The document is available in Spanish, Greek, Danish and English, according to the DoA. Here below you will find the English version, though you can check the rest in our Documents/Press Releases section (https://neosuccess-project.eu/documents/). Enjoy it!
VALENCIA, May 2022
The NEOSUCCESS project continues to reach its milestones as the second year unfolds.
Despite the global health crisis in the past two years and the outbreak of the armed conflict in Ukraine in early 2022, the NEOSUCCESS project has not been significantly impacted and the Consortium Members have been able to push forward their activities as planned.
The beginning of 2022 saw a significant positive effect on the project due to the easing down of lockdown measures by the majority of EU countries, allowing for greater mobility across Europe. This has enabled Consortium Members to work even more diligently on their tasks.
On one hand, DTU and AUTH have been able to partner up to conduct further research on the NEOSUCCESS technology. Laboratory tests and optimizations on the upstream (USP) focused on trying to come up with an improved bacteria string that will enable higher bioMethane and bioSuccinic acid yields with the same quality broth. At the same time, design and the process parameters were further adjusted as they will be key for piloting at the USP unit going forward.
IVEM operating the USP (left) and NORVENTO operating the DSP (right) at the first trial with real broth
On the other, IVEM and NORVENTO have been able to finalize USP and DSP commissioning and the WWTP facility in Paterna (Valencia). After installing the DSP unit in the first quarter of 2022, the first batch with residual broth sourced from confectionery manufacturer TROLLI (Valencia, Spain) was processed. The first batch allowed IVEM and NORVENTO to make last minute adjustments to their designs and fine-tune operation so that prospective batches can be operated more automatically. The SCADA system will enable to gather relevant data remotely.
Industrial unit’s SCADA that will allow to operate and control remotely and to collect data
While the USP and DSP unit continue their optimization process, Consortium Members continue to define the best market rollout strategy and negotiate a Joint Exploitation Agreement that will rule the project development after NEOSUCCESS project completion.
NEOSUCCESS continues to reach a wide audience thanks to project partners’ involvement in many dissemination activities. NEOSUCCESS was presented both nationally and internationally in important webinars, events and congresses such as FOOD FOR LIFE (Spain). Social media and the official webpage were highly active in promoting the project during this second year of execution.
NEOSUCCESS project represents an excellent opportunity to prove that their waste can not only be transformed into energy but also into by-products such as 2nd generation BSA.
As we approach the third final of the project, Consortium Members look forward to sharing the results and showcasing the industrial unit at Paterna to prospective partners and customers!
For more information please contact:
Telephone: +34 963 25 61 07 Email: pheredia@ivem.es
“NEOSUCCESS has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 950921”
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