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    System optimization carries on in our labs

    By Enrique L Mozos 2 años ago
    Home  /  News  /  System optimization carries on in our labs

    Trials are being carried out at a laboratory scale system to improve further the process performance, in terms of different controllable operating variables for the optimization analysis.

    Thus, ensuring the quality of the products, the elimination of issues at the source, the prevention of errors from occurring that engineering could not predict and the efficiency maximization of the commercial system process. Meanwhile data is being collected in order to monitor all-important parameters of the BioSuccinic Acid production process.

    Furthermore, membrane screening tests will soon take place to evaluate their performance for BioSuccinic Acid separation.

    Image: AUTH and DTU in strong collaboration discussing the development of Tasks 4.3 and 4.4 and further planning to overcome various step challenges

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     Enrique L Mozos

      (47 articles)