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    News and events related to Neosuccess project.

    AUTH and DTU work side by side on optimization

    Both DTU and AUTH have started the optimization tasks of the NEOSUCCESS process with the candy waste provided by Trolli. One of our colleagues, Antonios Lithourgidis, a Ph.D. student from AUTH, is currently working at DTU’s facilities, as shown in the pictures. Antonios is performing

    DownStream’s construction is underway!

    After several months of hard work from our colleagues, NORVENTO and AINIA, the final design of the Downstream Process (DSP) was achieved by the end of 2021. Some equipment has already been built, for instance the Spray Dryer shown in the picture. The rest is now being constructed in the

    UpStream unit is starting-up!

    The Up Stream Process (USP) sub-unit is now completed and starting-up! After months of hard work, the USP installation is very close to start working. IVEM is now testing the sub-unit to make sure there are no faults and iron it out. That means making sure that valves open and close properly,

    Studying our context (Freedom to Operate and Market Analysis)

    NeoSuccess is doing its homework regarding the analysis of the context. Freedom to Operate (FtO) and Market Analysis (MAn) are being elaborated for the project at the moment. With the help of our subcontractors (BiotechPRO for the FtO and MAn; and AINIA for the MAn), NEOSUCCESS has been and is

    Comienza el proyecto NEOSUCCESS

    NEOSUCCESS, un proyecto FTI financiado por la H2020-EU y coordinado por el IVEM, acaba de comenzar. Este proyecto de 3 años de duración tiene como objetivo la construcción de la primera unidad industrial con capacidad para producir simultáneamente biometano y ácido biosuccínico de segunda

    Reunión de lanzamiento del proyecto NEOSUCCESS

    El KOM del consorcio NEOSUCCESS tendrá lugar el próximo 23 de junio online. Los socios presentarán el plan de trabajo que se implementará a lo largo del proyecto, y se proporcionarán las pautas para la presentación de informes y la gestión del proyecto NEOSUCCESS. Esta reunión seguro que

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